
10 Sure Signs You Are with a Faithful Man

Being in a romantic relationship is the most remarkable thing to experience in this world. Having someone to share your dreams and build a wonderful future together is so amazing. Unfortunately, this also comes with a fair share of challenges and heartaches. According to the recent statistics, more than 60 percent of married people have engaged in infidelity at one stage in their lives.

With many social media platforms popping up every day that allows people to mingle and connect with others worldwide, unfaithfulness, in general, has increased tremendously. The smartphones have not made it better for relationships either. Despite the fact that technology has made communication channel to be so easy and affordable, especially between the two romantic people, it has enormously increased the chances of people cheating on their spouses without being caught easily.

Though it’s not good to keep suspecting your man for disloyalty, there are good signs that can show you whether your man is faithful and committed to you or not.

1. He’s Honest and Open to You
The majority of men who are unfaithful tend to keep their secrets from their spouses. If your man freely talks about his past and future plans when you are together, it means he has a heart for you. An honest man will be free to communicate to you almost everything under the sun. They trust you and believe you are part of their lives. A study done by Forbes found that about 20 percent of married people keep major secrets from their spouses, especially the financial plans they have. If you well know your partner, you are in a better position to detect when they are keeping a secret from you.

2. He Openly Shares his Phone and Computer
A man who is faithful will not have any problem if you use his phone or laptops because he has no secrets to keep from you. Many people who keep secrets will not allow you to touch their phone even when it’s ringing, and they are far. They behave weirdly when receiving certain phone calls, and they will feel uncomfortable around you when they are texting their other allies. It’s not ethical to check his phone, but a cheating man will give you all the clues that add to your instincts.

3. His Friends and Relatives Know You
A faithful man will freely introduce you to his family and his friends and colleagues. If his mother looks surprised to see you, you should get worried about the kind of man you are dealing with. A man who genuinely loves you should tell his people about you even before you meet them. If his friends don’t recognize you very well, you should start finding out more about the man you are dealing with.

4. He Values you as a Person
A man who is honest with you will engage you in his plans. He will freely seek your opinion and respects your stand. He gets concerned when you are not well and support what you do. Most men who cheat do not regard their spouses’ opinion as important, and they are very critical in making judgment on what you say or propose.

5. His Friends have Stable Relationships
It’s easy to know your man is faithful through his friends he hangs out with. If he has friends who are good and have solid relationships, then there is a chance, he’s a good guy. There’s a saying that says, ‘show me your friends, and I’ll tell you the kind of person you are’. People tend to make friendships with friends, they share same values and beliefs and interests.

6. He Shows Commitment to the Relationship
A faithful man will work hard to make their relationship to work. If he’s committed, he will allow open and frequent communication with you. If your man does not bother to tell you what they are doing or their whereabouts, it’s right to be worried. A serious relationship such as marriage requires constant communication and commitment of both parties. It’s only through communication and hard work that you will connect to each other and be in a better position to solve any challenges that come your way.

7. He Frequently Checks on You
You are in his life if he constantly makes those phone calls and text to you. Sometimes he will call you with no apparent reason. He seems not to complete his working day without checking on you. If this is your man, you are one lucky woman in a million to have gotten the right man in your life. However, some men will pretend this just to win your heart during courtship.

8. He’s always wanting you.
He feels your presence when he’s near. If he easily gets hot and ready for you, then your man is faithful to you. A man who is not faithful and interested in you will not feel your love even when you dress appetizingly.

9. He helps You Around
A faithful man who is committed to you will occasionally give a helping hand around the house. He will feel when you are tired and can help you fix things in the house such as putting kids to bed, cooking and serving.

10. He Comfortably Walks with You in the Public
A faithful man will feel comfortable walking with you in the public. He will go out with you and is not afraid to bump into his old friends when he’s with you.

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