
4 Reasons why You Should Spend Money Not On Things But Experiences

You live in the world of technological acrobatics, where new milestones are set in every feat of life, be it in astronomy or robotics. Producers deluge the market with goods which they convince
you that you need. You fall into the mess of consumerism, trapped into being dependent on the products and services that they offer. The hesitation you might have had at the beginning to spend money eventually becomes an easy habit. When you can buy your way into leading an easy life, why bother trying getting it done yourself?

Life has become a bland and monotonous affair for the consumer as the world has become a kind of system where you barter money in exchange of a service. In the rush to amass wealth and show it off you forget to invest in experiences, which would present you with vivid memories to relish in.


1) Investment In Material Possessions Is Temporary.

You are lavish when it comes to coloring your possessions with the newest, trendiest and most opulent of things. You have no qualms when it comes to spending money on things that give you temporary pleasure. The new mobile phone you buy today depreciates in value and will get outdated in technological prowess tomorrow.

Tomorrow, you will start detesting your new buy and start coveting your friend’s new mobile. You do not get the same joy from it as you did yesterday. What about the money you spent on it? It equates to being a spendthrift activity, and you become another victim of the paradox of spending. However, if you spend money on trying to learn a new recreational activity, say, pottery or gardening or even sewing, you will not only come out with a fun, new experience, but you will also earn a new skill that could come in handy at the most unexpected of situations.

2) Therapeutic Effect

Spending money on real-time, lively experiences could often have a healing effect on your psychological and physical health. You could be fighting from depression. You could be feeling down from the over-bearing pressure from work. You may not have the opportunity to spend quality time with your loved ones. The reason why you should spend money not on things but on experiences is that, it helps you connect with yourself.

Experiences help you cure your wounds, rejuvenate your spirit and mental health, inspire you and smoothen the cracks that your hectic schedule has created on your personal relationships. No piece of technology, no material gift could present you the joy of personal experiences and the memories they create.

3) Healthy Lifestyle

Experiences not only boost your spirit, they also let you be a better person. They teach you to get over the negative emotions that reign over your being. When you spend money on experiences, you overcome your tendency to compare yourself with others- you cease to covet another person’s life and things.

You do better for yourself when you spend on experiences. You no longer feel the bitter disappointment of being a little slow in this fast-paced world. You learn to keep up while enjoying your life in leisure. You adapt to your setting happily in a world of experiences and would have no space for negativity.

4)Makes The World A New Place.

There are many REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD SPEND MONEY NOT ON THINGS BUT ON EXPERIENCES. However, the most impressive one should be the impact experiences have on you. Experiences have formative influence on you. It could help shape your identity, expand your passion, give a little drive, push your limits and most importantly lets you appreciate the littlest of things.

Experiences pave the way for you to look at the world in a different way and in a better way. Spending money on experiences gives life a new thrust and makes life a little bit more exciting. If you live to experience new things and spend money on it to cultivate yourself, then you have found the right reason and cause to spend your money on.

Material goods are as fickle as yesterday’s dreams. They come, and they go. The only difference is that you spend money on the former and waste it as you long for a better one the next moment. They make you greedy and possessive. When you try spending money on activities, you get colorful experiences to reminisce upon. Recreational sports, picnics, charity, participation in theatre, and other entertainments are some among a very long list of activities that you could invest on to pursue a successful quest on experiencing newer things life in while simultaneously exercising your creativity and cultivating your personality.

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