7 Foods To Eat When You Are Stressed
Stressed out? Don’t freak! Stress is inevitable, and it can happen to anyone. There a lot of theories concerning stress. One is the stress caused by a heartbreak or simply, being left by your significant other. It sure hurts like hell. Some people stress themselves over it for months, which is not good health wise. Today i am going to look at a few and simple life hacks that have always worked for me big time, especially when i find myself in very stressful situations. Eating takes away my stresses and anxieties. There are certain kinds of food that have calming effects and will help you get through stressful times.
Avocados contain glutathione that prevents the absorption of certain harmful fats into our bloodstream. It is also good for stomach upsets. In some cases, an upset stomach is a sign of anxiety and stress. The lack of vitamin b in our bodies as well is another cause of stress and anxiety. Avocados too help in stabilizing sugar that tend to alter the moods of a person. This is not just a fruit but a magic fruit. The monounsaturated fats with potassium in the avocados assist in reducing blood pressure. You can eat it with almost anything.
Don’t get tempted to go for a bucket of chicken during your lunch break, when you are stressed due to too many piles of work on your desk. Green veggies are famous for folate, which helps in the production of dopamine hormone responsible for pleasure, thus reducing your stresses and helps you to feel more relaxed instead.
Ladies, here is your solution to the reduction of fats. Cashews are awesome snacks and in case you have low levels of zinc in your body, then i recommend you eat cashews every breakfast because our bodies cannot store zinc. People with low zinc levels have been characterized by anxiety and are depressed most of the time. Cashews are a great source of zinc.
Dark chocolate is among the top healthy foods recommended for stress relief. Dark chocolate also lowers high blood pressure. It is an antioxidant containing polyphenol and flavonol. It is always advisable to eat dark chocolate once a week.
It is rich in proteins and the amino acids available in turkeys are enough for the production of serotonin. This chemical is responsible for the reduction of hunger and a source of happiness and satisfaction in our bodies. Turkey contains a lot of tryptophan, which has a relaxing effect to the body.
Ever heard the saying that goes, ‘eating away your feelings? Well, people use carbohydrate-rich foods purposefully for that. Oatmeal is rich in carbs. Scientists from mit claim that carbohydrate can help in the production of serotonin (a feel-good chemical). Stress increases blood sugar levels. Oatmeal helps in bringing down the levels of blood sugar because it is a complex carbohydrate. If you want your kids to stay sharp during their classes and be productive, make sure they have oatmeal during breakfast.
When adrenaline and cortisol levels are on the rise in your body, then trust me, you will be stressed. Salmon contains omega-3 fattyacids. Acids. This will help counter the effect of these two anxiety hormones and helps bring them down. You should always have 2 three ounces of salmon on a daily basis, and you will be amazed by the changes it will have on your body when it comes to anxiety. This will, in turn, offer protection to your heart in case stress decides to strike in.
These are just samples of the best foods known to man that are healthy and can guarantee a happy and a stress-free life. There are many more natural foods that serve the same purpose. Drugs and junk food will not help you in any way to reduce your stress levels. They increase stress instead. Avoiding processed sugar reduces stress. More importantly, choose milk over alcohol instead. Being informed about stress and anxiety is always good because this will help you understand the effects and how you are going to counteract the flammatory effects of stress chemicals. Having the anti-stress munchies is the best and a healthy way to go. Lastly worrying about things which are beyond our control is a total waste of time. Grab that chocolate or a bowl of oatmeal and enjoy. Be stress-free!