How Your Skin Care Also Needs to Change: A Quick Guide
Winter, summer, spring and fall; as the seasons come and go, as new weather graces the sky every day, you try to keep up with the changes surrounding you. You dress up a little cozier for your days out in the winter, while you pick the lightest of your dresses during the summer to cope with the heat. New trends emerge by second in the fashion industry to suit the whims and fancies of the changing seasons, and you follow their lead. You might also have a specific taste to dressing up and a particular skincare regime that you religiously follow to take care of your skin. You must have in your prized possession a collection of your favorite make-up and skincare products. However, if you desire lasting youth and elasticity to your skin, you have to give it what it needs; your skin care also needs to change. Oftentimes, the products that used to give your skin the best treatment and protection cease to give the same results. This is a clear indication of the changes your skin have undergone which make a current routine to stop being efficient on you.
Why your skincare also needs to change with the seasons?
Your skin is a breathing organ; the largest organ in your body. It provides a natural shield to your interior system. Most of the time, it is your skin that bears the brunt of the scorching sun and the withering cold of the winter. You could have your brand of skin-care products that you have discovered work best for you; however, stubbornly sticking on to them while blatantly disregarding the needs of your skin might prove to be detrimental to its health. You are not immune to the harsh impact of the seasons and like everyone else needs to, you must acknowledge the necessity of changing your skin-care routine to offer protection to your natural armor.
What season should I be the most conscious about?
Every season has its own quirks and peculiarities. The intensity of the sun varies. The amount of pollen varies. The permeation of dust in the air varies and the humidity and cold dryness vary. Your skin also changes in accordance with the exposure to these changes and like every other human being, you are as susceptible to these changes as you live and breathe.
The weather tends to be the harshest on your skin, particularly during the summer and winter. You sweat a lot more in the summer making your skin greasy, causing the pores of your skin be clogged with dirt, pollutions and other impurities. On top of this, the harmful Ultraviolet rays of the sun even do permanent damages to your skin. It could range from sunburns to the more violent results such a skin cancer due to over exposure to the Sun. During the winter, the cold dries up the moisture on your skin that keeps it hydrated. As a result, you see your skin become more scaly, ashen and withered.
The skin needs to be active care all year round and not just during a particular season as it is that part of you, which is the most exposed to the pollutants, allergens and other harmful external elements, including the make-up and skincare products that you use. To maintain your skin’s health also as it ages, the methods of your skincare also needs to change.
Here are 8 tips on how to take better care of your skin:
1) Never go out in the Sun without layering your skin with a protection shield of sunblock cream with good SPF quotient in it. Apply a coat 20 minutes before you go out and reapply a sunblock product during the course of the day as needed.
2) Use moisturizers to hydrate your dried-up skin during the winter. Avoid taking showers in water that is too hot, as they only aid in drying up the skin.
3) Avoid using chemical products. The chemicals in your skin care and make-up products range from harmful preservatives to additives such as fragrance and colourants. Try to use natural products such as Aloe Vera, lemon, honey, sugar, egg white et cetera, to name a few; such natural products are key ingredients in various beauty and skin care recipes such as moisturizers, exfoliators, facial masks, and lots more.
4) Avoid using excessive make-up. If this is not a desirable option for you, you must make sure that you wash and cleanse your face off all the makeup and the impurities that it has collected during the day. Keep your pores clean and gives it a chance to breathe during the night as you sleep.
5) Too much of anything could have detrimental effect on your skin. Skin exfoliations, whole-body spa, variants of facials are all good and right only when you do these the right way. If you overburden your skin with excessive attention, the result might be the opposite of what you desire.
6) Reusing your favorite make-up brush that is stained and tainted with coats of make-up is an unhealthy habit, one that could lead to infections. Unhygienic make-up tools could be the playground of bacteria, and you don’t want them anywhere near any part of your skin or body.
7) What you eat could also play a huge role on how healthy your skin is. Do not over indulge in oily food as they could not only fatten you up, then could also mar your skin with acne breakouts. Increase the intake of fruits, convert to a mole balanced and nutritious diet and also drink a lot of water to supplement your skin with all the goodness it needs.
8) Know your skin-care products well before you use them on your skin. Test new products on a small patch of your skin to see if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Also, do not be fooled into buying new products lured by star endorsements or any sort of recommendation. Your skin is unique and special. You must use products that suit its needs and not the trends.
Taking care of your skin is not rocket-science. Yet, it is more important than rocket-science that you provide necessary care, protection and love to your skin. Discover your skin type, its nature, its needs and problems, its goodness and age and supplement it with all that is needed in order to make sure that you have enviable skin that matches your enchanting personality.