How To Trick Yourself To Do Things You Don’t Want to Do
We all want to succeed in life. There are those things we would want to do, but we always encounter the unwilling power within us. We try to avoid these things by postponing them, pushing them out of our minds. However, they are there, part of us.
For instance, there could be that task approaching the deadline still lying on your in-tray that requires your attention or an assignment you have not been handed-in for review or a client’s phone call you haven’t returned, or a resolution you made to yourself at the beginning of the year that you will start eating healthy and exercising regularly. The list is endless!
To be more productive you need to find ways to accomplish those things that you face difficulties in doing them. The best way to overcome this is to find out which strategy is useful depending on what is making you procrastinate.
The easiest way to do things that we seem not comfortable doing is to face them courageously. Commence your day by tackling the hardest and unpleasant tasks and get rid of them on your to-do list. This is called _eating the Frog._ Accomplishing the hardest projects on your list will make the rest of your day easy.
Successful people work on their difficult things very early in the morning. Hence, if you want to clear those tasks that seem mountains to climb, wake up early before everyone else and work on them when your mind is still peaceful and fresh. This will make you feel the sense of achievement, which will impact positively on your day.
Give yourself concrete reasons why you need to complete your assignment at hand. Finding a motivator can make you focus on the task more. For instance, you know your boss is waiting for that report, or your client needs that project completed on time or that fat pay-check that you are looking forward to getting.
These motivators will make your mind to refocus on the most important things to do. The positive energy makes the willing heart to cooperate. However, it’s good to find time to take a break and unwind. This boosts your spirits and lowers the levels of tiredness.
Sometimes you could be struggling with a problem that is beyond your capacity. Asking for help is essential when facing a project that your heart is not in it. You can ask your colleague or friend to assist you where possible. If you are the boss, consider asking for a willing team member who can take up the task. Sometimes a small advice from the external forces is what we need to have a different perspective about what we are facing. It’s important to collaborate with other people in our networks to keep focused on our success. In all that you do, get someone whom you can call upon during those moments when you feel down.
Make yourself aware of Make possible setbacks that are hindering your advancement. The disruptions pull down your efforts to work on your tasks. It’s good to learn them and try to attack them before they get into your projects. It could be the environment which is not conducive enough or the people surrounding you or that computer machine that is so slow, and it’s dragging your progress. Whatever it is, once you discover it, you are a step ahead to your destination. Sometimes you could be your own enemy. Your negative mind is feeding you with thoughts that are destructive. You feel that you don’t have the abilities to do the things you would want to do. It happens, and unless you realize it, there’s nothing much you will achieve.
Many of us want to achieve everything in one single day. We set up huge targets without considering the available time to accomplish them. A day has only 24hours of which you need to do so much, including traveling, resting, eating, and sleeping among others. Set goals that are measurable and can be achieved within the time and resource constraints. You don’t need to promise your boss that you will deliver the 50 pages report in the morning when you know very well you will not attain it. If you are tackling a task that is likely to take long, take your time and do it perfectly. Stop rushing impatiently for this will drain your energies and bring you down.