
A 30-Day Ab Workout Challenge That Works

The Ab workout challenge comprises of four physical exercises ranked among the best on muscle activation point. The challenge includes the entire mid-section that consists of a six-pack abs muscles, obliques and lower abs. They cover all regions of your abs in addition to the core muscles throughout your body. These include, the lower back and deep abdominal muscles, which give support to your spine and other movements in your body.

If you are looking for quicker and better results for this challenge, try to combine it with a 30-day squat challenge and 30-day arm workout challenge. This will guarantee you the best results for muscle activation level. Combining several challenges that focus on different parts of your body gives you a chance to cover a wider range of muscle groups in your entire body unlike the one ab challenges.

To benefit from this 30-day workout challenge, you need to perform the four exercises in the prearranged set of repetitive activities. If you’re new in the challenge, perform one set of exercises each day. For those who are just looking for addition of more challenges, 2-3 sets of activities per day are fine. However, the challenge is more intense and tougher towards the end of the challenge period. Therefore, increase your speed as you go but know your limits. It’s allowed to take the challenge again if you want to break your own records.


The Plank is the most excellent exercise you can take to build your core strength and slim your waistline. It’s very easy and does not require any equipment to workout, hence you can perform it anywhere even in the office.

This particular exercise also incorporates your arms, shoulders, back, and glutes engaging your full body just in one exercise. You can perform the exercise by:

  • Lying face down, putting your legs straight out behind you and your knees and feet together. Bend your elbows with your forearms facing each other. In this position, you can support your weight on your forearms.
  • Tighten your abdominals and crutch your body off the yoga mat, making a straight line from head down to your heels. Grasp it for the agreed number of repeats or seconds.
  • Tips: If you’re a beginner, commence with the kneeling plank until you build adequate core strength to perform the essential plank.


These exercises target to work out the oblique. The side plank exercise reinforces and tones the oblique, abs, and the lower-back muscles that sustain your body spine. If you perform this exercise, your core strength is strengthened leading to a better and stable back that protects you from most back problems.

  • By lying down on your right side, straighten your legs out. Then hold your upper body up on your right elbow and forearm.
  • Tighten your abs to lift your hips off the floor until your body makes a straight line running from your ankles to the shoulders.
  • Clutch this position for the recommended amount of time. Then change and do again for your left side.


The Long arm or V crunch strengthens and tones the body muscles in your abdomen by engaging your entire six-pack muscles that are, the rectus abdominis, obliques and the lower abs. The exercise can be performed anywhere since it’s a bodyweight exercise that does not require a working equipment. Carry out the exercise by:

  • Lying face-up your body flat on your back, and your legs and arms in a straight line.
  • Contract your abs by straightening your arms above your head. In just one move, at once lift your upper body and legs in an effort to touch your toes with your hands.
  • Take a break for 1-2 seconds and then lower your body back down to the starting point. Go on for the set number of repetitions.


This exercise basically targets and works out your rectus abdominis and obliques all at a go. You can perform the exercise by:

  • Lying flat on the stomach with your lower back hard-pressed to the floor. Place your hands behind your head, without interlocking your fingers. Bring in your knees close to your chest and lift your shoulder up to come off the ground.
  • Stretch out your right leg to a 45-degree angle on the ground while spinning your upper body to the left. Bring your right elbow to the left knee. Ensure your rib cage is moving together with your elbows.
  • Then switch sides and repeat for the other side to finish one challenge. Continue for the recommended number of repeats

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