
How Do You Deal With Lazy And Two-Faced Co-Workers

It’s very tough to work with lazy and two-faced colleagues in the place of work. The two-faced co-workers are the people who act in a different way when the boss is around. They will take up their tasks seriously but the moment the supervisor is out of sight, the same workers will be different creature’s altogether. These are also the people who seem to be your great friends, but their real intention actually is to bring you down or backstab you.

As you develop your career, you will discover that the working world is always full of people from all walks of life. There are those who are extremely good, and they work hard and care about their positions in the organization. Unfortunately, you will also encounter the worst group of people who will give you difficult time in your workstation.

Dealing with lazy and two-faced team members can be one of the toughest challenges to encounter at the workplace. If this is not handled appropriately it can cause lasting damages to your reputation and career in general. There are several tips that one can use to handle these cases diligently.


At your workplace, you face a whole breed of new people who have different motives and purpose. It’s important to form a close circle of peers who consent with your behaviors and the ethics you
hold as an individual.

However, be careful when selecting people to trust for the same person who claims to be your best friend could be the worst enemy you have ever known. Having a person who can stand-in for you when the opponent sets you can save your reputation. Pick your friends wisely by looking for role models or people who have positive energies.


Limit the time you spend with the lazy and negative-minded people. It’s essential to understand your colleagues’ behaviors and personality and accept them for the way they are. There are people who will always want to pick battles with you. Avoid confronting them directly or taking your issue up the ladder.

Always remind yourself that the colleague’s behavior could not be his or her own fault. The person may be insecure in their lives or they were brought up in an environment that was not conducive enough to build their good character. The person could also be facing other challenges that may affect their conduct and manners.


There are people who will always distract you with small irrelevant gossips and tales about others. They will suck up your energy levels, that by the time they are done talking, your spirits of working and concentration are gone too far below the par.

The best strategy is to keep your mind busy by focusing on other things that will deny them a chance to talk. For instance, when they come to your desk for that gossip session, pick a phone call and pretend to be busy, if you persist in this, they are likely to leave you alone.


Turn your opponents into your close allies to balance the equation. The workplace is a second home and keeping enemies can be unbearable to say the least. There is no person who is perfect, not even you and me. Hence learn to accommodate everyone else by maintaining peace.

Share information, work together on group projects and keep trivial things to yourself. You don’t need to keep updating your boss about the colleague who is backstabbing you or a team member who is too lazy on a project. Learn to overlook some minor issues and concentrate on what is more significant.

There are a range of people you will have to face during the whole season you will remain at the workplace. It’s important to accept that we are all created differently and with different purposes. Consider each person important to your life, even if they don’t seem to contribute anything in your life. Remain peaceful and respectful when confronted by the most difficult people.

There are plenty of people you’ll have to contend with during your struggles to make it in the working world. Just remember to consider
how each person can be beneficial to your life and how each can make it more difficult. The most crucial aspect of life is developing your career. Therefore, concentrate on the main task and leave the trivial many for other people,

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