
How To Get Your Life Back After A Broken Relationship

Falling in love is mystic and thrilling. It involves all aspects of your body, mind, and spirit. You get fully immersed into it that sometimes you’re somehow blind to see beyond the joy you are experiencing presently. You have invested all your resources into a relationship you believe that you’re both in love, and that you’re looking forward to taking your relationship to another higher level and live happily ever after, then, it happens without prior notice!

You are abandoned and heartbroken by the same person you have loved with all you have under the sun. It really hurts bitterly! Heartbreak leaves you feeling devastated and miserable. Anyone who has survived a failed relationship knows how difficult and thorny it’s to undergo the agony of such a misfortune. At first, you feel like the world has crumbled under your feet, and the pieces cannot be picked up again.

Being rejected by a person you love can trigger an anguish accompanied by the most depressing symptoms such as hopelessness, apathy, sadness, difficulty getting sleep, lack of appetite and sometimes the loss of will have to continue living. Sometimes you may start blaming and regarding yourself worthless or not lovable by anyone. The recovery process takes time, and it goes through several stages. That is, self-denial, anger/frustration, bargaining/regrets, depression, and acceptance. To get back to your feet over again is possible if you put the following into practice:

  • TAKE HEART, YOU WILL OVERCOME: It hurts to pass through the broken relationship. You could feel the worst of life ever. You may not have any desire to do much in life, but the fact is you will rise above it even if it takes time. Time is a healer. If you are determined to let it go and find life again, you will surely make it. Once you realize that this also is life and that nothing lasts longer in this life, you will eventually triumph over it. Approaching this scenario with an open heart will help you forgive and forget.
  • TALK TO SOMEONE: Going through a broken relationship is never easy. People who don’t understand what you are going through could take it lightly, but the wound created in your heart will continue burning your insides. Talk to someone who is real and cares about you and let them walk with you in the journey of healing. It’s advisable to keep it to one person. Telling everyone who passes by will worsen the situation and frustrate your healing efforts. The best person to talk to is a professional counselor.
  • SEEK GOD’S INTERVENTION: you may not like this idea, but the truth is God is the most loving companion we have when we want to overcome our tribulations. In both joy and sorrows, God is always there for us if we seek Him.
  • GIVE YOURSELF TIME TO HEAL: It takes the time to heal from a wrecked relationship. Don’t expect to feel good immediately even when you have taken the necessary steps to healing. Try to occupy your mind with other things that will help you divert attention such as visiting the most unfortunate people and helping them in their difficulties.
  • LEARN LESSONS FROM THE EXPERIENCE: Life is full lessons that help us become better human beings if we allow our hearts to learn from the nasty experiences. This requires you to analyze your relationship and find out what could have led to the breakup. Is it your fault or his or you were just not compatible? Knowing what transpired the failed relationship will help you avoid repeating the same things in your next move. However, avoid self-blame and overanalyzing facts. Let it go.
  • AVOID GOING INTO ANOTHER RELATIONSHIP IMMEDIATELY: a broken heart cannot be healed by rushing into another association. It could make things worse even for the other person to love you. You will roll over them with a suspecting eye waiting for another bomb. Take time to heal first. Remember it’s about you, not someone else.
  • TAKE UP PHYSICAL EXERCISE CHALLENGES: Taking up a simple exercise such as running even for 30 minutes per day could help you release tension and stress that have piled up in the mind and body. Exercising is good for your overall body health and this’s what you need most when experiencing low energies and lack of desire to accomplish anything in life.
  • FORGIVE AND FORGET: When someone has just hurt your feelings, forgiving is the most remote thing you want to think of. Your mind revolves around how you will also teach them a lesson by doing the worst to them. However, statistics show that a good response to a failed marriage or any other relationship is learning the art of forgiving and forgetting. If they were meant for you, they will still come back to you.
  • MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE: Stop calling or begging them for another chance to fix things. Learn to live without them. We are human beings and sometimes we make wrong choices. When you take it positively, you will be astonished to find the same person running up and down looking for you. The world is round and whatever happens to you will also happen to someone else if not to them. What you are going through is not unique, millions of other people have undergone the same situation. Take time and learn how others survived such adversities.

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