How To Keep Your Feet Healthy And Looking Awesome
Keeping your feet healthier and good looking are surprisingly very simple. However, many people neglect and ignore this practice and end up with untidy, painful, and rough feet. Healthy feet are significant for feeling good and remaining active. The entire physical activities we experience in our life are based on the feet. We rely on the feet for standing, walking, running, driving, and in almost all actions.
Taking good care of your feet keeps them looking sparkling clean, soft, and healthy. The best techniques to take care of your feet include observing good hygiene practices, eating the right foods, addressing any medical issues that could pose dangers to your feet, and wearing proper and fitting shoes. There are several tips that you can apply to make your feet healthier and presentable.
Healthy feet are always clean, dry, and free from any smell. During your bath time, clean and scrub your feet in soapy water, then dry them thoroughly afterwards. Many people stand in the showers and take a minute or so, and they are done with bathing without stretching a hand on the feet.
More so, there are those who don’t take time to dry their feet with a clean cloth. Such practice exposes your feet to fungal organisms that love moist environments for growth. The space between the toes is very sensitive and a great set up for fungal infections. Treating these conditions can give you hell of trouble as most of the fungal organisms are resistant to most treatments.
Despite your busy schedule, try to find time to self-check your feet at least once a week during or after bath-time. Examine your feet closely when parting them dry and take a look on the heels for any signs of scales and cracks, and between the toes for peeling symptoms. Such indications could be a signal of _athlete’s foot_ condition.
Also, there could be the presence of _nail fungus infection_ if your nails look discolored. Those people with diabetes should inspect their feet regularly for the condition is a number-one cause of foot sores and infections.
Take care when cutting your nails. The best way is to cut them in a straight line across and avoid cutting deep into the skin for this will cause bleeding and pain and could lead to ingrown toenails. Use sterile and clean trimming tools to avoid contaminating your toes with unnecessary infections.
Wear shoes that are broad, round with enough room for your toes to fit. Avoid forcing your toes in shoes that are too tight as this can cause prolonged foot problems and toe deformities. Wearing pointed and sharp shoes can cramp your toes leading to ingrown toenails and calluses.
To keep your feet dry and clean, wear shoes that are made of leather materials as they permit air to circulate making the feet to breath. Those who have sweaty conditions should select shoes made of mesh fabrics for constant breathing. This will prevent the feet from smelling. It’s also advisable to avoid sharing footgear for this could expose you to fungal infections shared among the peers. Try to keep your footwear to yourself to help you have healthy and clean feet.
When you are having painful foot problems, it’s good to see a doctor immediately. Do not try to treat yourself with over-the counter drugs for this may create more problems. According to Doctor Kurtz, any pain, redness, swelling or discoloration that refuses to heal on its own should be checked by a physician on time. In most cases, the problems can clear up with a few proper prescriptions, but in some cases minor surgeries are performed.
Exfoliating will help you to get rid of dry skin cells on your feet making them look sparkling and soft. In addition, a moisturizer lotion, especially after the exfoliation exercise can be more effective for tired and cracked feet. There is a variety of exfoliating foot scrubs available in the market so you will have plenty of options to choose from.
Keeping a pumice stone in your shower cabin enables you to remember scrubbing your cracked feet. There are many commercially available pumice stone products in the market for your needs. Use regularly to keep your heels looking great and free from scales and calluses. However, you need to be careful not to over-scrub your heels with the rough stone for this could cause reddening and weaken the skin.