
How To Make A New Year’s Resolution That Lasts

We all know that when a new year rolls in, we want to make a change. We want to leave the negative and bring in the positive, even if that means letting go of bad friends and picking up new habits. Sticking to the resolutions that we plan for the New Year can be quite tricky since old habits die hard. Well, if you’ve heard that a habit takes 22 days to learn, then you have 9 days to draft up the best New Year’s resolution. Here are a couple of ways on how to draft one up and make it last.

Write a list

Let’s begin with drafting up that master plan; what you’ll need is a pen, long ruled sheet and washi tape. First thing to think about is the type of person you are right now and the things you’d like to see change about yourself. The most common goal is to get fit; sign up for a gym or plan a at home workout routine. Set some realistic goals for yourself; we can’t expect to be a seed today and a bud tomorrow. Plan out all the changes you want to start implementing in your life, out with the old and in with the new. This list should be your scripture leading into the New Year.

Take small steps

Take baby steps. Let the New Year roll in smooth and expected just like how you planned. Everything that happens to you should be a plus one, because it was already on your list. Having a list to follow is the best part, but rushing everything can cause a disaster. Taking things one day at a time can actually help you to pace yourself for the upcoming 12 months, allowing you to be more at peace with certain unexpected situations; which you will be more able to handle than you ever thought you could. Making one small step at good intervals is essential to ensuring that your New Year’s list last throughout your year bringing you happiness and success.


Learning an important thing as self-control can really make all the difference. So let’s pull out our yoga mats and vanilla scented candles for finding our inner peace. Map out 30 minutes of your day for meditation, ensure that you are alone and in a quiet place; you can throw in some bird noises if that’s what you like. Practicing self control can actually bring more joy to your life and will allow you to walk in the New Year feeling more optimistic than you did last year. What you are on the inside should be what you show on the outside, be calm and collected and let the simple things go.

Find your Mojo

Whatare the things that you like? How will doing this affect you in the long run? There are many questions that you could ask yourself while planning your New Year’s resolution, but the most important thing you should ask yourself is will it make you happy. Finding your mojo is finding your happiness. Do things that you love, may it be from DIY crafts to computing just as long as you feel happy and relaxed while doing it. Exert all your emotions in the things that you love, being able to fully express yourself mean that you know what your mojo is.

Be a better you, for you

Making changes and implementing them is a good and constructive idea to bring in new changes to your New Year. So throughout all of this, we need to consider how the changes are affecting us as a person. If we implement certain changes in our life are we doing it for ourselves or the people around us? Putting out the effort to please the people around us is actually overwhelming as we try to live another person’s shadow rather than creating a sparkly path of your own. Moving forward let’s starting making plans for ourselves, being a better person for yourself actually makes you a better person for the persons around you. Aim to be funny, charming, flirty, and good company so that people will always want to be in your company because you uplift their spirits. So next time put your needs first and then you can consider the needs of the persons around you.

Bottom Line

The down side of creating a New Year’s resolution is that we cannot follow through sometimes because old habits have a funny way of creeping up on us. So when writing those resolutions ensure that you think about how they will benefit you and the people around, be good to yourself and your body. Starting off the New Year with a bang can have you going through the year with a bang; go into the New Year with a plan to ensure that you are certain about the next steps that you want to take in your life that will benefit you. At the end of the year, you’ll be able to laugh about your ups and downs and maybe this year will be the year that you finally get to say, “This was a good year.” So cheers to a happy New Year with a resolution that will last.

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