How To Win The Heart Of Someone On Your First Date
So, you finally got the guts to ask her out. Even better, you got her shy and sly ‘yes’ to go on a date with you.
The guy you’ve been secretly eyeing since time immemorial has asked you out. Yes! He noticed you and liked what he saw.
You are bound to be nervous to go on the much-anticipated first date. You have fantasized the day so much that you are afraid whether it would live up to the expectation.
More than anything, you want to impress that special someone, and you want them to fall for you as hard as you have fallen for them. The problem is that you don’t have a clue as to HOW TO WIN THE HEART OF SOMEONE ON YOUR FIRST DATE.
It’s time for you to stop stressing because you are here to be educated on the art of stealing that special someone’s heart. Here are 6 tips that will help you to win the heart of the person that makes your heart skip a beat.
1) Yes, you! Be Confident!
Confidence is the key to a good presentation. It is the charm of amicable personality. Of course, you would be stressed and scared witless regarding the date, but if you’re wondering mind becomes apparent; you will give off a negative vibe. Your special someone might even think that you are uncomfortable with them, or that you don’t like how the date is going. So, try to avoid any awkwardness from seeping out. The secret to being confident is very simple- it is the very reason why you are there on the date with the owner of your heart. She said ‘yes’ to you. He asked ‘you’ out. Yes, You! The reason you are on the date is because your special someone likes you back. Look at the first date as the beginning of many with that special ‘someone’.
2) Be a Scout!
Being confidence almost always comes when you are prepared, when you have a plan. If planning the date is up to you, make the best of the chance. Plan something special. Think outside of the box. The stereotypical dinner date followed by a movie or anything along the traditional, worn-out line should be ruled out. Try to find out the interests of your date and plan to accommodate their likes. Be a scout, prepared with a Plan B in case something goes adrift with the primary plan. Give priority to them. Making them feel special and loved is the central solution to your doubts regarding HOW TO WIN THE HEART OF SOMEONE ON YOUR FIRST DATE.
3) Chivalry is alive!
To woo your girl, resorting to the traditions is at times good. Open the door for her, draw the chair for her, offer your coat for her and even the last bite of the decadent dessert. Make her feel that chivalry is alive and thriving and that you are the last Knight standing.
Empowerment is good, but your first date is not the time to embody the 21st Century Power-Girl image. Indulge him when he opens the door.
Give respect and take respect. Being sexist or racist is the last thing you should do. Do not pretend to be someone you are not. Try to be open and accommodating. Respect your date with utmost sincerity and show genuine interest in her and concern for their welfare. It is a sure way to win your date’s heart.
4) It’s all in the Eyes!
You should not hesitate to look into your date’s eyes with confidence. Your eyes should reflect your sincerity and admiration. It’s all in the Eyes! Charm your way into their heart by wearing your heart on your sleeve. Listen to them with true interest. There is no future without getting to know your date/ partner from within. Complimenting them would be a good boost to their ego and a right step into their heart. But, remember! Do go overboard. Restrict the frequency and number of compliments to a level that it would seem as genuine as you intend them to be.
5) Be Coy and Make Curious!
Being a strong and independent woman is also good. You could go to the destination of your date by yourself so that your coy little self could leave your man curious and wanting at the end of the date when you leave for home on your own. Dress to impress, but no outside of your comfort zone. The first impression is the best impression. Yes, impressions are constantly replaced by newer ones. Be yourself. True men like real women and not idols. He will fall for you on the very first date hard and fast when he gets to know the real you.
6) Promises don’t come easy!
You shouldn’t be afraid to express your interest in them yet only subtly and with integrity through body language. Be diplomatic yet not as if you are treading on thin shells. Promise the best for the next date, making them curious and yearning for the next date. Insinuate about wanting to see them again without being overbearing and losing your dignity. Make them see the best of your personality and how promises don’t come easy for you.
The trick on HOW TO WIN THE HEART OF SOMEONE ON YOUR FIRST DATE is a very personal deal as it depends on your date and the nature of date you have planned. The best way to win their heart is by being honest. Don’t place too many expectations or keep them on a pedestal. See him as your equal and be right there next to them, grounded, spirited and interesting. Have a happy time winning the heart of your love!