The Amazing Benefits of Running
Any form of physical exercise is good for body fitness and general well being. You have probably heard a million times that regular exercise is the cure to most illnesses and complications. Studies have shown that regular exercise and in particular, running for even 30 minutes five times every week can keep your body healthy beyond the drug a doctor could prescribe for you when you fall sick.
Researchers have found that running has a direct impact on the cure of a wide range of diseases and other conditions such as heart disorders, diabetes, stroke, some cancers, and high blood pressure among other distasteful conditions. Studies have also shown that running improves the overall quality of your emotional and mental state, and it’s known to prolong your lifetime on earth.
There is no designed time for physical exercise, but many people find it best during the early-morning hours and the evenings. Let’s look at the most marvelous and remarkable benefits that come with running regularly:
Running reduces stress levels in the body system. When you’re facing too much pressure and tension, it’s always advisable to consider a run or sprint. This exercise makes you feel better, and you will be in happy moods always. Studies have shown that the ‘feel-good hormones’ called the _endocannabinoids_ will instantly elevate your moods even when you were going through a tough depressive condition during the running activity.
Even those days you are feeling unproductive and things are not working out no matter what. A single bout of exercise of even 30 minutes can just re-energize your mind and muscles and increases your concentration levels. Exercise is the key to contentment and gratification in life. For instance, many successful people start their day by running early in the morning before setting up for the working time. Develop this habit of exercising each day, and you will be more satisfied life than before.
Running burns the excess calorie when you’re engaged in the activity. The best thing is that, the burn continues even after the exercise. Researchers have found that regular exercise heightens the’ after-burn’ feeling, which is the number of calories blazed up after the exercise. This can be related to that feeling of excitement you experience when you are rewarded an extra pay on top of your regular income.
Running does not have to be a serious and lengthy marathon like the one taken by the paid athletes. Take an easy pace slower than the marathon race and you will burn all the calories hiding in your body muscles. This will help you get fit and spare you the time spent visiting doctors for countless consultations. Running also strengthens your joints, bones and knees and rejuvenates the cells.
Regular workout will help you to remain sharp and young even as you age. A study published in 2012 by _Psychonomic Bulletin & Review_ showed that habitual exercise helps overcome age-related mental disorders that undermine the abilities of the memory to function properly. It’s also proven that older people who exercise regularly are likely to scores better in mental tests than those who are unfit.
Exercise improves your working memory, speech eloquence, thinking capacity and judgment problems, especially in people suffering from stroke by almost 50 percent. Running, therefore is essential in improving the attention and focus, thereby making one to become more productive. There is also a proven truth that running makes people look younger than what their age number speculates.
Running is not known to cure any cancer complications but some previous studies have shown that running helps prevent cancer cells from building up.
A study posted in the _Journal of Nutrition_ revealed that regular exercise lowers the risk of some related cancer complications. Even for those who are already affected by cancer conditions, running help in improving the quality of your life while undertaking chemotherapy treatment.
Running makes one live longer than their stipulated time-range. Developing a habit of running each day even for less than one hour can improve your health by adding more years to your life.
A study done by _PLOS Medicine_ indicates that people who started exercises earlier in life lived longer than their peers. For instance, cancer survivors extended their lives by almost 5.3 more years, and those suffering from heart conditions gained about 4.3 years.