
This is How You Travel Even If You’re Broke

Want to travel? Have no money? It doesn’t matter! You will not be the first or the last person who traveled the world without money. Traveling broke is not impossible, but it requires a huge amount of sacrifice of comfort, belief in the universe and other people, shedding shame and considerable doses of resourcefulness. If you succeed, the result is extremely rewarding.

There are many ways you can travel even if you’re broke. Talking to people who have traveled a lot for less money is the first thing that you should do so you can get helpful tips from them. However, if you don’t know anyone who has traveled broke, read on below for some tips to help you out:

* As far as the act of traveling from point A to point B is concerned, there are various alternatives to conventional means of transportation where you are traveling as a suitcase, only without the suitcase. If you do not have money, it usually means that you have the freedom, and therefore, you can resort to the methods of travel that require more time, effort, and creativity. For example, hitchhiking. This is a natural entry into the automobile aliens! Talking with people who have traveled thousands of kilometers hitchhiking, this type of travel is quite safe, despite numerous prejudices.

* When you decide on an adventurous journey with little money in your pocket, one of the options for finding transportation can be registration on the sites where you can find other people who want to share the cost of traveling with others, rent a car, or a ride in the car with the owners, so that their costs will be lower. Sites, where you can register, are Find-a-Crew, FloatPlan, CrewSeekers etc.

* If you are traveling with full equipment, your chances of finding places to sleep are increased, and you have more freedom to roam the sparsely populated regions. There is also the possibility to spend the night (if you have no choice) at bus stations, on benches in parks, on beaches, at railway stations, and even the abandoned houses and all sorts of dwellings.

* In many places, it is possible to camp in the wild, and in some countries (such as Canada, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Ireland and Scotland) is even legal. Do not be loud, do not make a fire, and that is it. It’s not recommended to stay for many days, however, only overnight, and everything should be okay. Even if someone catches you, generally it won’t be a big problem if you explain that you are a poor traveler who just got tired and decided to In It is also possible to ask people for hospitality. Just knock/ring the bell on the door, explain who you are, and ask if you could camp in their backyard. Sometimes, some people will refuse but there will be one who will be kind enough to let you in.

* The internet is a magical thing for low budget travel. There are many sites through which you can find people like you, who can accommodate you for a few days, or longer. Currently, the most famous site is CouchSurfing. In addition to sending messages and requests to Couchsurfers, so-called open applications – where you only search for where to go and when, and explain a little bit about your path, and you wait to see if anyone will invite you to join them. Similar sites like Airbnb, HospitalityClub, BeWelcome, and WarmShowers might be able to help you get by when you will be traveling broke.

* Another very attractive way to travel, even when you are new and out of cash is through volunteering or getting accommodation and food in exchange for work. There are also sites where you can just search for the destination where you want to go and then when the list appears, you can choose which volunteer program fits you the most.

Somehow, accommodation and transportation are the most problematic when planning a trip especially when you are broke. But with a little effort and creativity, you will be on your travel destination in no time. Enjoy!

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