Top 10 Tactics For Dealing With a Boss That Dislike You
There will be a time in your career where you’ll have to face a boss that for some reason hates you. If you haven’t had that experience yet, then you better prepare yourself ones it happens. It will be a very fragile situation that requires a lot of patience to avoid conflict and to keep a job.
Here are some tips that you can use on how to face a boss that hates you:
1.Get your boss’ opinion. You may get an idea on how your boss thinks about your performance and maybe you can do something to improve yourself too. Simple questions can help you find answers.
2.Ask your co-workers. If you have friends inside your workplace, ask for their opinion. Maybe they can see things that don’t notice and you can do something about it right away.
3.Think where the problem started. Maybe there’s a deeper reason why your boss suddenly hated you. Think how it all began and when.
4.Observe if your co-workers experience the same situation that you have. Maybe it’s not just you after all. Try to see the bigger picture and observe if your boss has issues with everybody. If it turns out like that, then maybe you don’t have to worry too much and just do your best on your job.
5.Be a good employee. Step-up your game and follow rules. Be a good example. Don’t make any issues and make an effort to be the best employee around. Observe how it does and what your boss’ reaction would be.
6.Adjust on your boss’ behavior. Maybe you need to be more serious if your boss is more of a businessman than a chill one. Dress up appropriately and always be on time. Act natural, but make sure you also adjust to what your boss wants to see in you during at work.
7.Talk to your boss personally. If it makes it better, there’s a more direct and sincere way of addressing your issues with your boss. Communication is always the key. Maybe you’ll find better answers and address the friction between you better by talking and resolving problems at the same time.
8.Speak to someone who listens. Maybe you need more help this time, and there’s no other department who can assist you but the Human Resource Department. Talk to them before you get too frustrated at your work. Don’t be afraid if your boss finds out. At the end you are just showing them that you are here for business and work. Ask for advice on how to face such difficult working environment so you can work effectively.
9.Prepare for Plan B. Always keep your resume updated for second options if you need to go for an exit. Until then, don’t make rush moves of quitting before you found another position you can fill in.
10.Be professional. If you have to say goodbye, keep it simple and don’t make a situation before you exit. Keep them hanging in there and maybe you’ll find yourself back in the same company.
The most important thing in facing a situation like yours is too keep it all professional. Remember that you are there for the job. Make small efforts to resolve some problems, but if you can’t handle it much longer then decide to take other job offers where you think you can work healthier.