Zumba- Dance Your Way to Weight Loss
So, you have got this cardio workout routine down. You know every twist, turn, squat, and jump. You know pilates. You have tried kickboxing.
And they work for you. At least, they did, for a while because you noticed that the rate at which you shed weight goes down eventually every single time. You still make every move. You still sweat. But, every day as you do your routine, you notice that your muscles ache for a little less until eventually your body remembers every move and stops exerting any effort into doing it. This is a cycle that continues as you change moves, incorporates new ones or adapts into entirely new routines.
Yet you need to shed more pounds. And you need your body toned and fit. Is it possible?
Yes, it is. You can shed pounds and have fun while you are at it; with Zumba, dance your way to weight loss.
What is Zumba?
Zumba is a thrilling aerobic dance which incorporates various styles of dances within it at varying and unexpected changes in pace. It could be slow tango one minute, feisty samba the next or rigorous Bhangra after that.
Zumba is not a new form of workout. It has been around for several years now. However, very recently it has garnered a lot of attention and popularity through the Columbian choreographer and dancer, Alberto Perez. Practiced by a fast-growing community of people of all age groups and with varying levels of fitness, Zumba is perhaps the most entertaining way to lose weight and stay fit.
How does Zumba help you to dance your way to weight loss?
An intense Zumba session of about 45 minutes could help you burn up to 350 calories, “intense” being the operative word here. As you read above, Zumba is a combination of a variety of dance forms and styles like Salsa, Samba, Mambo, Belly Dancing, Bhangra, Cha-cha-cha, hip-hop (to name just a few) borrowed from Brazil, India and Latin America and the Caribbean.
Zumba is no miraculous way to weight loss. It is only one way of shedding pounds- the fun alternative to your monotonous treadmill sessions and walks in the parks. You have to be diligent with your attendance- at least 3 sessions a week, to see steady results.
Why Zumba is a good and much-preferred alternative is that, since it involves alternative dance styles in alternating speeds, your body doesn’t get accustomed to any moves as they are unpredictable, especially when you attend live sessions along with a large group of people. Several recorded sessions are available in DVD forms for your convenience, but they could end up providing temporary results like your previous stints with kickboxing cardio workouts and pilates. Attending a Zumba class keeps the spirit and energy high and could be more spontaneous and invigorating to your mind and body. This would help you yield a better outcome.
What are the benefits of Zumba dancing?
The obvious benefit is weight loss and staying fit. It can be personalized to suit the needs of the partaker(s). It boosts your spirit, tones your muscles, sculpts your body, strengthens your bones, and gets your heart racing and your body all sweating. Are these not just the best reasons ever?
How do you do it?
Like all workout regimes, you need a plan, a system, and a goal when you prepare yourself to dance your way to weight loss through Zumba.
1) A diary
Start at the very beginning- i.e., keeping a diary that tracks your progress. You should record your weight before you start taking your Zumba classes and continue tracking your weight throughout your sessions, ideally on a weekly basis. Your goal weight should match your BMI- you must aim for a healthy body and not the other way around. Also, record your body measurements – especially the areas where you wish to see the results. Usually, they involve the belly, midriff, thighs, arms, calves, back and hip areas.
The diary will help you track your body’s changes as you dance your way to weight loss.
2) A plan
Be prepared with bottles of water to keep your hydrated, a towel to wipe off all the fat you burn as you sweat and a pair of work-out clothes and shoes.
3) An ear
Zumba live sessions are primarily an auditory experience which translates into a whole-body workout. Keep an ear dedicated to the instructor’s guidelines and commands and the other to the music and its changing pace. Let yourself go. No inhibition should hold you back from losing yourself to the bubbling beats and the bated melodies.
4) A Break and A Sip
You should be careful not to over exert yourself. Be willing to receive your instructor’s guidelines as if they are sermons. The way to fitness needs to be meticulous and careful, not rushed and dangerous. Take a break when it is necessary or as directed and take a sip (or plenty) of water to keep yourself hydrated.
5) A diet
Map out a healthy diet plans for you. Zumba is no sorcery to burn all your fat and tone your muscles. You need a healthy diet rich in vegetables, fruits, lots of proteins and enough healthy fats and sufficient carbs in your diet to accomplish your goal.
So, now you know the basics, you have got a plan, and you have got the motivation. All you need to do now is find the Zumba class nearest to you and enroll yourself. If fast results are what you seek, it better be for 90 minutes sessions or even Zumba-thons; the longer, the better and faster the results. But remember to stay safe as you do Zumba. Zumba: Dance your way to weight loss.